Sunday, September 21, 2014

Days of Cyprian - Day Five and Letting Go

I am feeling a bit like the Legba Avadra card - a wanderer, moving from project to project.  I need to get focused, and to do that, I am relinquishing control of fets to the current mambos of the house. I do not need to be the big guns all the time, and besides, I've worked hard to these folks up to snuff. Time to have payback. Mambo D is heading up the next weekend of service; I am retreating to the position of singer, and that's just fine. Besides, by the time the fet rolls around, I will have just come off a big high of singing with James. Read on:

We had a lovely dinner with dear friends last night. Spent the time talking about Seattle, sosyete and Kanzo. We are planning our next one, and want to find the right moment (astrologically, timing and so forth.) Unlike other houses, we don't offer Kanzo ad hoc to anyone. We look to folks who have taken our classes, understand what Vodou is about and are ready to make the commitment to the path. A lengthy 'get to know one another' often dispels the myths, makes friends and helps the inquirer find the truth they are seeking. Works for everyone.

By letting go of some things, I find that I have time for others. I am heading into a new phase these days. I am currently finishing the first draft of a new academic article for the anthology "Vodou I remember", that will be published by  Lexington Books, a division of Rowman & Littfield Publishers (in two volumes of 750 pages no less!) This project is taking up the lion share of my time. It will be on the concept of Oversouls and Egregores in Haitian Vodou. Stay tuned for more on that topic.

I've also finished the first draft of the Haitian Vodou Tarot. Hoping to get back to that puppy once I submit my essay to the above anthology. I've begun preliminary essays on the cards, but it's a long ways from finished. Maybe next year sometime. And still not sure whether I will go pro or self-publish it. A cursory spin around publishing houses shows a distinct lack of interest in accepting proposals. Just how does one get professionally published these days without an agent?

We are also heading into a busy fall season. The next fet is scheduled for the Maitresses - Freda, Dantor and Dayila. Hopefully, one or all three will make themselves known next month. Mambo Limeye is heading up that fet, so I am the ougenikon, which is just fine by me.

The Tambouyé and I will be performing next month at a faculty recital. I get to sing my my heart out for the Lwa on stage in the Winter Performance Center at Millersville University. Anyone interested in a great afternoon of music, come on out to MU on October 5th from 1 to 3pm.  Maestro James Armstrong is headlining, with three soloists. I am singing with james and and the  Portal  Percussion guys - Matt Bracciante, Brian Doherty and Rich Klimowicz. Look and listen here:

They are a trio of amazing percussionists that perform around the area. Its game-on with these guys. Consequently, I've been singing and running the stairs in the house, just to build wind and stamina. James has challenged to sing my fanny off. I accept this challenge...and want to make him proud too.

Ok, it is Day Five of the Days of Saint Cyprian. I wanted to get this out to folks earlier today, so that you can all recite your novena and keep that mojo working.  Here is day five's prayer, with a concentration on spells and sorcery:

O Lord, by the intercession of Saint Cyprian, I beg that those who are bound by spells, witchcraft, and possessed of evil, that you with Your infinite power unbind them and unensorcel them, so that the rabid wolf may not have dominion over ( name ), so that all who were bound may be unbound by You. Saint Cyprian, I pray by your intercession in Christ Jesus that you preserve me from all evil spells and treachery of Lucifer. Guard my words, sight and thoughts. May they be full of confusion those who attempt against my life. May my enemies be confused and driven away. Keep me triumphant of them eternally. Amen.

Remember that Cyprian's strength lies not just in his being a patron saint of sorcerers, but that he himself was one as well. Therefore, you can call on that part of the saint for protection and to deflect evil away from yourself, however you perceive of evil (physical, mental, or spiritual.)

Continue your novena - the real power of Cyprian lies in the number 9, so repetition is key to unlocking his strength and his blessings. Right now, I gotta go run the Dekalb Stairmaster - Ayibobo!

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