Thursday, May 28, 2015

Mercury Retrograde in Real Time

Mercury is retrograde. Again.  (That's a very funny joke, in case you didn't catch it...) Anyone in the occult business knows this is not the time to be signing big contracts, taking long trips or making an argument without carefully considering all sides. 

I forgot about the computer.

I very seldom get a day off. I don't work a normal 9-5 job. As a Mambo, I work a 24/7 job. I love it, but downtime is a rare and wonderful gift. So when the chance to decompress comes along, I jump on it.  Today is one of those times. Packed The Donald off to his office. Fed, watered and walked the pooches. Called a friend for coffee, and then settled into my own time.

I decided to go online shopping for some art supplies. I was given a gift card to Dick Blick, surely the mecca of shopping for any artist. Having knock over my so-called water bucket (a.k.a leaky juice carton) more times than I can count, I thought I'd splurge on a fancy-schamancy one to hold my paint brushes. Heck, I had enough left over to get a real palette, too. I came the check-out sequence, read the entire page carefully, duly entered my gift card number and hit the enter button. Done.  Moments later, I received a copy of my order via email -- three emails to be exact. And each one for more than I had actually purchased. Hmmm....

A call to Blicks got me a very nice person who said they had no idea the website was being snarky, but they'd check the server in an hour. Why an hour, I asked. The answer -- they are on "real time" and couldn't see my order as yet. Real time...meaning Mercury Retrograde time. Le sigh.

I will check in with them in an hour. After I pour some rum and beg the man to let it be.  My work as a mambo is never done.

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