Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Reading of September is Bossou Twa Kon

 Bossou Twa Kon is the manifestation of power and enlightenment.  His name comes from one of the kings of an Old Dahomey fiefdom called Whyda.  King Agadja Dosou (the child following a twin birth) had a son he named Bossou Achade.  As a ruler in Africa, Bossou Achade became Kadya Bossou, and in Haiti, he is simply called Bossou.

Kadja Bossou and Djobolo Bossou are both old Dahomean spirits. They come from a line of kings who ruled a place variously called Whida (sometimes written Whyda) .  These kings all went by the title "Agasou". The eldest and strongest (in terms of conquering the neighboring peoples) was a king named Akaba. When he died, his twin ruled, and then her power was usurped by her younger brother named Agadja. He was a dosou, the child born after twins. Thus his name was Agadja Dosou

Because of his status as a ruler, he is often called Kadya Dossou. His son was named Bossou Achade, and as a ruler, he too became Kadya Bossou. In Haiti, he is simply called Bossou or Kadja Bossou, meaning the "King Bossou". His name is also a reference to having been born with the umbilical cord around his neck.  And to add further mystery to his arrival on earth, Bossou is called a tohosou, a human being thought to be touched by God. When a child was born deformed in some way -- extra digits, hump backed, dwarfed -- or if the birth was unusual -- breach, umbilical cord wrapped around neck, caul on face -- then that child was thought to be very special. Having been touched by God's fire, their flesh visibly melted and molded by His touch, they are revered as something more than human. They become tohosou.  Bossou is recorded as being hunch back, the very image of a bull in his deformed shoulders.

When the Lwa Bossou comes around, it means that you are stuck in your place and cannot find egress to get out or get going. He is literally the bull in the china shop, ready to plow through whatever needs to be destroyed to bring about movement and forward momentum. When he arrives, I know that something big is about to happen for that person.  But he needs a focus or just like a bull that wanders aimlessly in a china shop, he can easily destroy what you do not want to be destroyed!
Bossou is also a liberator – which is another way of saying he can free you from whatever is restraining you.  Just as Kadja Bossou “freed” his kingdom from the slavers, the spirit Bossou does the same thing when he arrives for a servitor.

His colors are red, black and white. I usually serve him with a red scarf, a white candle with a black ribbon. I have actually made a scarf of red, black and white that I use to serve him.  Some folks use red penis candles, available from hoodoo shops. The idea behind the penis is the fecundity and fertility of the bull as symbolized by the phallus.  Use one of the images of the following images as his avatar: the triple ray El Christos, for the three rays emerging from Christ's head.  They represent the three horns that Bossou has.  St. Vincent de Paul is used for all the children he is holding (Bossou's ability to carry with ease, any burden given him is legendary).

The brave and industrial bull of the pantheon, Bossou shoulders the burdens of the world.  Arriving in September, he will lend both the sosyete and you individually with the strength to carry through with your plans.  And just like a bull market, he is aggressive in doing so. If you need the push to get something done, then September is the month to do it – the bull will lend you his considerable strength to get your project off the ground or even finished.

September’s Shadow is the Wheel of Fortune:  This is the card of destiny and possibilities, a reminder that all things shall pass so long as we do not forget the lessons learned. The mambo declares her right to serve the Lwa with her raised hand, the same position taken in Freemasonry as the Due Guard of a Fellow Craft.  It is the primary salute offered in a Vodou house to the Spirits, a gesture that shows both inclusiveness and welcome.  She stands in front of a sugar millwheel, the symbol of oppression, fortune and power.  But this wheel is done.  It hangs as a reminder that the past is gone but not forgotten. And that we must move forward, remembering the past so as not to repeat past mistakes.  In conjunction with Bossou, the bull provides a power to move across difficulties and the shadow says to remember what you did so you don’t do it again.

Financially it means a break in your expenses and the possibility of movement toward a better position or better compensation.  But the Wheel of Fortune needs you to comply as well.  You have a big say in how your life evolves, and the wheel keeps moving, ever forward, bringing around new ideas and new possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post... its funny, I had a dream of a big black bull that emerged from a lake. I helped it out of a river, and lead it into a house with white walls. It seemed injured and died... what does this mean?
