Tuesday, June 19, 2018

My Patreon Page is now live with blog posts

Just a reminder that I  am going to close down this page by the end of June. I am trying to tighten up my online presence . I have lots of projects going, which means I need fewer online pages to look after, if I want to do my artwork and writing. I am still writing - just not for free. Call it a sign of the times - plagiarism is the new black.

If you want to see what I've been up to, I suggest you check out my Patreon page here : https://www.patreon.com/mambovyezokomande

And I'll see you all over on the new digs!
Love, Honor and Respect, Mambo Vye Zo

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Mambo Vye Zo is on Patreon!

Hey gang - having endured years of plagiarism, copying of photos and the final insult - having my very bio used for someone else, I've taken down the Sosyete du Marche web site. It's been fun I admit - and I enjoyed keeping you all up to date with posting, pics and such., But all things come to an end. I am using the web site to promote my Patreon page. It's there that I will posting my weekly essays, updates and what I am doing. I also am semi-retired: I've handed off my monthly fet duties to two of our very capable mambos, which frees me up to do more important things like teach, write and make art. It's a strange sensation when you realize that what you've been doing monthly for nearly 30 has come to a close. Its similar I suppose to folks who retire -- when you no longer have to answer the alarm clock, and don't have to be anywhere, where do you go?

Well, if you are an Asogwe, you don't go anywhere! You just keep on keepin' on - and that means I am currently juggling several projects. I have the next SdM missal in rough edit and I am hoping to put that one out by the end of the summer. I've gathered all the prayers, incantations and evocations I've collected over the years so students, godchildren and anyone serving the Lwa will have a valuable tome to keep handy for their service work.

I am also half way through my Vodou Herbal, a compendium of plants used in ritual services. I will be writing that one through the summer, as I add to my knowledge base. It is a comprehensive listing of plants that I have put through the US plant base so you can find actual herbs here in the US or their equivalent counterparts. There are also small notes for usage, actual prayers for the plants and sometimes, a bit of Vodou spellwork <wink>. Its been a labor of love, but I am hoping to release it next year.

And of course, I have five or six music projects lined up. I intend to release CDs of music for each Lwa, with words in English and Kreyol. I currently have three CDs available on Amazon - Petro songs, Rada songs and The Priye Ginen.  These are an on-going project for me that I work on in between other things when I get bored -- yes, it does happen, I do get bored on occasion!

And finally, the Vodou Tarot will be ready for order by end of October, just in time for Fet Ghede. The book that accompanies it will also be ready for order then, too.

So, lots of irons in the fire (as usual). All I've done is given myself more time to do a better job on all of this by letting go of the fets. Its doesn't mean I am not serving. In fact, I am probably serving more now than ever. Broken back be damned, asthma in check - ya can't keep a good mambo down! Ayibobo!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Vibrational Crossroad of Vodou

The Crossroad is a place that has held the imagination of folks in myth and legend.  Said to be the meeting place where blues musician Robert Johnson sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for guitar playing prowess, the crossroad is a mystical mystery for the ages. All intersections hold great power, either for the fact that they contain a little bit of the pulse of those who cross through, over and under them, or because they have their origin in concepts like ley lines and the occult concept of the axis mundi.  Either way, we humans find crossroads unique, powerful and stimulating. Ask anyone who has crossed over a bridge (are there trolls beneath here?), gone under a mountain pass (dwarves!) or taken an evening stroll through an old cemetery (ghosts, ghoulies and things that go bump in the night). In all these locations, there is a tangible energy, a presence we can sense. We humans tend to be sensitive to the Other, that indefinable energy that seems to collect in crossroads, intersections and liminal gates. And as such, if we feel them there, then can they feel us? And if so, how do we make a connection to the Other?

Sevis Lwa: The Vibrational Crossroad is a tool book for the dedicated practitioner of occulted communications.  Each chapter leads the reader toward that remarkable moment of Contact with the Other. I wrote it for Vodou practitioners, but any spiritual practice could work with these techniques for contacting the Spirits.

Each chapter opens with a short story of my time with my own teacher, Papa Edgar Jean Louis, flag maker and ritualist extraordinaire, of Belair, Haiti. An amazingly talented man, Papa Edgar was generous with his knowledge and accepting of anyone who served the spirits. In the short three years I knew him, he gave me much to learn and think about. The stories of being in service with Edgar help set the meaning of each chapter so you can see how my experience informed and led to the work I share with the reader.

I've also given instruction on creating a sacred space, literally a crossroad where you can communicate with the Spirits. To this end, I've written the book to include recipes for baths, spiritually charged fires, ancestor rituals and techniques to properly prepare your space and serve your spirits. The Vibrational Crossroad is a magical technique that works -- every time.

Here's a peak at the cover. It's being edited this month, but I am hoping to be able to release it next month for your reading pleasure. I think you will find the techniques and tools contained within its pages a valuable addition to your magical practices. Ayibobo!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

My Time Out

Its been a long time hasn't it? Well, I have lots to share with you all.

First off, I am doing fine, thank you. I have been in recovery for a broken back. That's right - I took a tumble down the stairs in October of 2015, crash landed into my mahogany hope chest and then took off the next day to Montreal. I knew something was off, but I thought hey, it will pass. Well, it only grew worse. By January of 2016, I was having steady, unbearable back pain. I finally gave in and went to the doctor in February. His diagnosis - broken vertebrae.

The fall had fractured my T10-L1 connection. The fracture had collapsed, leaving me in excruciating pain. I was not a candidate for fusion surgery. All I could do was to stay off my feet and allow my body to heal itself. Great. I spent the next 10 months flat on my back. I cried from the pain, but more because of my anger - why me? I cried in frustration at not being able to work at anything. And I cried because how unfair this was, what did I do wrong, why is this happening to me? Why me? Talk about having a lesson in self discipline and introspection.

We had to stop all our Vodou services, since I could barely walk or stand. Not being able to sit meant no writing, no drawing, painting or sewing. All I could do was take pain killers and sleep. So, that's what I did.

When I was awake, I'd meditate, cry, then sleep. For 10 long months. Bodhi kept me company. Don fed me. Chelsea came over to help. And I very, Very, VERY slowly began to heal. I went from using a walker to get around, to using a cane to walk, to finally becoming strong enough to walk my own two feet. Hooray! By January of 2017, my back was strong enough to start physical therapy to help my body rebuild. October of 2017, I was strong enough to drive myself to PT, and do the occasional grocery shopping. I was a long way from perfect, but I was also a long way from where I began in 2 years prior. And a couple of amazing things happened along the way.

When all you can do is think, you get to process all your stuff - the good, the bad and the ugly. I went through the five stages of grief (because I was grieving my broken back) - denial, anger, frustration, depression, and acceptance. And its not a linear experience. Some days I felt all five, while on others just one would dominate. But through it all I also had one additional emotion over and over again. Gratitude.

I was grateful for this time out. It taught me to be thankful for all I had, like Don doing the laundry,  taking care of the shopping, feeding the dogs, feeding me and taking me to endless rounds of appointments.

I was grateful for the dogs, who didn't seem to mind my stinky self when I couldn't shower, or who kissed all my tears away when I was crying. For Bodhisattva who lay with me, kissing my face and watching me with worried eyes. For Uriel, who came in laughing every day, kissed me and then ran off before Bodhi could chase him.

I am grateful to Chelsea for vacuuming the house, bringing me dinner, and offering hugs, gossip and her lovely smile.

And most importantly, I was grateful for the Spirits. My time out showed me that I didn't need to be planning and hosting huge fets for them, They were still here with me, despite my severely limited ability to serve them. And it showed me that my teachings were correct. Even small efforts were greatly rewarded.

I am doing all my creative activities again - writing, sewing, painting. My godkids picked up the flag of service work, and are marching forward with it. And I have a new book about to come out. I am so grateful for my broken back. I know that sounds odd, but truthfully, I was the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland, running like mad and getting nowhere. Now, when I do something, I do it with real intent. I don't take on more than I can do, and I say 'no' more often than not these days. And guess what? Nobody gets offended, the Spirits accept their simply cup of coffee and the World keeps turning. How wonderful is that?

I'll be writing again regularly here. But in the meantime, I hear my embroidery calling me. Please excuse me, but my creative demon has a couple of years to catch up on!

Ayibobo Papa Legba, for opening the door to my healing. Ashe!

Monday, May 2, 2016

May is Mange Mo:

I totally missed April’s reading, and I apologize to you, dear readers. If you follow any of my Facebook profiles, I am dealing with a very painful back disc issue and can’t sit comfortably for more than an hour at a time.  I am awaiting treatment and so in the meantime, I surf the Net, make notes and –sleep.  But today is a better day than before, and so I am trying to get back on track again.  Let’s see what Legba pulled for May this year.

Although the astrologers have us in the throes of both a Mercury and Mars retrograde (oh goodie…), this month’s path to stability lies with the ancestors.  Mange Mo is an annual feeding event in Haiti.  Food is expensive and so a big feast is generally held off for a year. Then, at the appropriate time, all the ancestral dead of the family (mother’s lines, father’s lines, spiritual posse and so forth) are fed in a grand fet.  All the favorites are gathered: foods, drink, smokes (cigarettes), even pictures of clothing, cars and any other item that the dead loved. These are set up on the offering tableau and a ritual ceremony is given with lusty singing, drumming and dancing.  Once the spirits are set and happy, then everyone in attendance also partakes of the meal and drink. It’s a big deal for the family and for the local neighbors as well.

Mercury may be retro and Mars is sulking but – Venus is sitting in Taurus right now, her beloved home.  She is what’s known as exalted, meaning she offers her brooding lover Mars heaping helpings of love and attention so he won’t spoil the party.  And I have written oodles about Mercury Retrograde (you can read it here), so don’t fret about my beloved Patron making trouble.
Take a moment this month to offer your ancestors a plate of their favorites. It doesn’t need to be high drama – a bite of your dinner and a cup of joe works just fine.  Put it on their favorite color – either a napkin or a plate.  Put their picture there, or just write out their name as a place card. If you have an ancestor govi, use that as the focus of the table. Make it as  grand as you wish, but do it this month. The energy of the ancestors is available right now, through the largesse of Legba opening the gate. Use it wisely to help this month run smoother for yourself.

And like all fets, there is a Lwa who is the pwen or power point of that working.  The pwen for this month is the beautiful Freda (the Venus of Vodou), and she is certain to pay attention if you offer her a cup of coffee with sugar and cream to help smooth over any rough patches.  Just don’t forget to pour out a shot of white rum or gin for Mars (Ogoun), so he won’t become maudlin and rage unnecessarily.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The first quarter is always the toughest

We have officially arrived in April. And although the weather isn't behaving (it snowed this morning), it is spring and my thoughts turn toward - gardens, plants and herbal concoctions.

I am currently wading through the Viridarium Umbris by Daniel Schulke. A hefty tome of around 1000 pages, it has been a challenge and a boon to read with my book club. We are trying our hand at the various recipes, looking for the suggested plants and making progress. It comes at a good time too, as I am making plans for my own little patch of earth this spring.

So what does a mambo plant in her herbal yard, when most of what is used isn't commercially available here in Pennsylvania? Well, let me tell you that with a bit of searching, you can find quite a few Haitian herbs. At my old house, I had a small forest of banana trees, palms and assorted tropical trees just for decor.  Mixed in were aloes, pelagoriums, citrus geraniums, Dutchman pipes and all the regulars like lovage, basil and mint (over 30 varieties at one point!)

Mints are very traditional in Vodou. We make Danbala's basin with spearmint, we bath our blades in peppermint and we create various bath mixtures with them.  Everything in Vodou is about balance, so I always choose to have both mints and basil in my garden.

Basil is the favorite of Erzulie, and it's spicy notes are a welcome balance to her pink roses. Think not? I know my scents, having worked in the floral industry through high school and college.  Fresh roses should smell Peppery - not "flowery". If they smell like roses, the blooms are dying, and will not last more than a day or two. But if you sniff a rose and get pepper, buy it. That bloom has hardly off the plant more than a few hours. Basil is also a favorite of Ogoun, and our altars for the Nago warrior are awash in vases of fresh basil from the garden. Purple basil, also known as African blue is the plant to seek.  I have found it most really good garden centers that specialize in odd or rare herbs.

I also pick up a bitter melon at the Asian market and plant the seeds. This is the herb called Awowsi, and its Azaka's favorite plant. The leaves are often made into a tea, and I know diabetics in Haiti who use it to help control their blood sugar. Like most bitter herbs, its expelling nature helps the pancreas and gall bladder shed sugar from the system.

I have roses for Erzulie - pink of course, though one year only the white one bloomed, but she didn't seem to mind.

I also plant a host of lemon scented herbs - verbena, lemon balm, melissa and lemon scented pelagorium.  Citrus is a poison breaker in Haiti, and having a handful of these wonderful herbs ready  to go should be the top choice for all mambos who do any client work.

Our front garden is graced by a huge Dutchman's Pipe, also known as Aristolochia. It's a climbing vine with a huge and very ugly purple flower. This is the go-to plant for spirit attachments. A bath made of this plus some additional constituents will cleanse even the toughest case. (No, I am not giving out recipes, just covering plants!)

Two additional herbs round out my regular garden plants. The first is the anise plant. Legba loves this scent, and so I have three huge bushes out front for him. I make tea from the flowers, hydrosol from the leaves and essential oil from the stems. The second is a rosemary bush. I generally cannot get this to winter over, but I splurge every year and buy a big bush, that I keep in the sun all season. At the first sign of frost, I bring it in, and it usually manages to make it till Yule before dying. At the old house, we had a bush outside in a protect alcove. It weathered many snowy winters without issue. But here there is no protective niche, and so I must make do with a new one each year.

And finally, I have the usual kitchen herbs - chives, garlic, onions, marjoram, thyme and pepper.  These can all be found wherever you buy your herbs locally.

Although there are a few herbs that can only be had in Haiti, by and large most herbs can be found here in the USA. If your local garden center doesn't carry something, check online. Many nurseries now ship worldwide. It's no problem to find tropical plants that can help fill out your plant nursery.

As I get the plants in and things begin to grow, I'll post pictures from all the beds. I love this time of year, when I can get out into the dirt and feel the energy of the earth pushing and moving forward. I hope you get out there, too!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

March is Bossou Twa Kon

In January of 2015, Legba pulled twelve cards as primary cards, and then 6 as Shadow cards. These shadows then become the 6 primary for this year. I have been busy with classes, so I have fallen a bit behind on my readings. My apologies dear readers, for the slacking off.  Heretofore is my catch up posting for this year:

January was Legba Atibon, the exalted shadow for the Action De Gras of last January. Although this year began in a Mercury Retrograde, the Gatekeeper did not fail to open the way.  For some, January was the opening slavo to a difficult year. There were losses, as well as gains; trying times for world at large, and for the sosyete personally.  However, nothing Legba does is without purpose, and although the year began in turmoil, this is all for a reason.  You cannot make your goals holding onto old ideas, old patterns and unresolved conflicts. When we won’t make change, the universe does it for us, and that’s exactly how Legba opened the year.  I would expect the unexpected from now on.

February was Gran Ibo’s month, a taming influence to Gede’s wild ride.  Whenever Gran Ibo appears, she lends her calming ashé to our own lives, helping to tame the wild in life.  It is much needed – February brought really serious sickness, trembling worries all over the globe and making it difficult for all of us to find our faith in the world. Gran Ibo is a water spirit who is often visualized  as a bird. In Vodou, birds are anthropomorphized as ancestors who are also messenger spirits.  Their appearance can hail news from beyond or indicate an offering is needed to help them on their own spiritual path.  I keep bird seed available at all times, but more so whenever it is Gran Ibo’s time.  When you feel the stress of life becoming unbearable, a handful birdseed tossed as an offering helps bring her subtle but powerful energy into focus, calming the events in our lives, so we can “tame” them to our purpose.

Bossou mask from Jacmel
This March is ruled by Bossou Twa Kon, the old king of Dahomey who ended slavery, thus healing his people and his lands.  Bossou is an unexpected pleasure in my life. He arrived through the auspices of of our very own Papa Edgar Jean-Louis, who had made the paket that now graces our Petro altar. Bossou is synchronized with St. Vincent de Paul or sometimes, the triple-ray Christ an allusion to his three horns.

I shouldn't be surprised at my attraction. Bossou is one of the Nephilum Lwa. Semi-divine, with one human parent and one divine, he is part of the mythology of Africa that places disfigured or misshapen people into a special category of folks who are touched by the spirit world. Bossou also carries all the myths of European Bull worship, as well as his status of being sacred in India, holy in Egypt and royal in Africa as well. A very special spirit, he crosses between Petro and Rada. He is Kadja Bossou in Rada; he is Djobolo Bossou in Petro.  He is sometimes envisioned as the Jolly Buddha, with the big belly and smile on his Rada side. But he can also be a huge danger (as any enraged bull can be), when envisioned as Petro.  (Incidentally, this is the first paket I ever owned!)

During carnival in Jacmel one year, I got a huge laugh out of a local craftsman, when I went gaga for a Bossou mask in his shop. "Do you know who that is," he asked politely. "Yes," I said, " it's my  lwa Bossou!" The craftsman roared with delight. "The blan knows her djabs!" he laughed. Wearing it on my head backwards, I got great looks in every airport we passed through on the way home.
If your life seems overly burdened this month, ask Bossou to help out. He can carry the load with ease, making your life a little smoother.  Built for burdens (emotional, physical or mental), he brings a steady rhythm to the world. In many places, Bossou is the main line between life and death. Bulls provide their bodies for food, their strength for projects and their presence for protection. Such a worthy friend should receive our notice when he arrives. Unsung, ignored and largely forgotten by all but the upcountry folks, Bossou is the gentle strong man of the Vodou Pantheon. Allow him to carry the load for you this month.

Set a table for Bossou with three candles in red, white and black (his colors). Because Sosyete du Marche is a Rada house, we use the image of the Laughing Buddha (you might know him as the  Hotei -- you're supposed to rub his fat belly when you come and go from home), St. Vincent de Paul or the triple ray Christo are his Catholic counterparts. Put water in a ceramic bowl, leave a good cigar and corn pudding for him. Ask him to carry your load this month, so that you may be free of your illness, your stress and your worry. Here's a song for him. You can say this as a prayer:

Kadja Bosou e a mwen prale,
Djobolo Bosou ea mwen prale,
M ap rele lwa yo pou we si m'ap passe Kadja bosou e a , e a,
O m'ap remesi lwa yo.

Kadja Bosou e a I am going,
Djobolo Bosou eh ah, I am going,
I am calling the Lwa, to see if I may pass,
Kadja Bosou eh ah,
Oh I will thank the Lwa.

Refresh the water and candles through the month.  Wear his colors if you can. Pat his belly or head; he loves that (what man doesn't?)  And watch for Bossou in the world. He'll be the big, easy going guy at the check-out counter, who wears a world-weary smile. The goofy grocery clerk who carries ten bags with ease.  The secretary who works endlessly and never complains.  The maintenance man who fixes the copier. The construction workers, ditch diggers and road crew members who lift, carry and tote the world on their shoulders, doing their work all day, every day and yet who remain in the background. While we applaud the architects and visionaries, it's the Bossous of the world who did the grunt work of bringing those dreams into reality.  Ask Bossou to do the same for you and see if your burdens get a little lighter this month.  This is very pertinent to our sosyete at this time.  With so many of us suffering through physical ailments, it is Bossou who will shoulder our burdens and help us gain back our health. Bossou always arrives to carry – it is his ability to handle the most difficult of cases, trials and tribulations that render him one of the most prolific and powerful spirits in our house coterie.